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rotatings are kinetic images that are alienated through rotation and convey completely new visual impressions through fragmentation.

pat treyer


all rights reserved by pat treyer.
this is just one example of the possibilities that rotatings open up.

giovanni segantini

all rights reserved by the rightholders of the works of giovanni segantini.
this is just one example of the possibilities that rotatings open up.

renata mauriello

peaches, oranges

all rights reserved by renata mauriello.
this is just one example of the possibilities that rotatings open up.

wassily kandinsky

all rights reserved by the rightholders of the works of wassily kandinsky.
this is just one example of the possibilities that rotatings open up.

claudia walther

atterrage / landung
all rights reserved by claudia walther.
this is just one example of the possibilities that rotatings open up.

piet mondrian

all rights reserved by the rightholders of the works of piet mondrian.
this is just one example of the possibilities that rotatings open up.

amedeo modigliani

market place (unknown painter)

all rights remain with the creator of this work.
this is just one example of the possibilities that rotatings open up.